...Protecting the Nigerian Child from Sexual Abuse

Personal Safety Program

Smile and Shine Children’s Foundation provides direct services to children through age-appropriate and evidence-based personal safety training programs conducted in schools and communities aimed at preventing Child Sexual Abuse and appropriately deal with disclosures of children and adolescents. The kids are taught to choose a trustworthy adult in their life that they will readily disclose any case of sexual abuse to.

Age-appropriate and Evidence-based Training Program

We make learning about Safety FUN.

Empowering kids with personal safety skills is only a part of providing a child-safe environment for the students in your care. Teachers, educators, parents and non-teaching staff must also be trained in child protection in order for your school community to be safe.

Specific prevention skills embedded in our programs:

✚ Ability to recognize what is and is not safe
✚ Understanding positive consent for play and affection
✚ How to set and respect boundaries on unwanted or unsafe touch
✚ The safety rules for touch, teasing, or play for fun or affection
✚ The safety rules for private areas
✚ Knowing what is and is not your choice
✚ Resisting emotional coercion, bribes, and threats
✚ Checking and thinking first before changing the plan
✚ Making and following safety rules for interactive technology and internet use
✚ Being very persistent in getting help from busy impatient adults


Understanding these facts about child sexual abuse can help you better protect the children in your life


of abuse occurs within the family of the child


of abuse occurs within known faces familiar with the family, remaining 10% are strangers

1 in 4

girls will be victims of child sexual abuse

1 in 10

boys will be victims of child sexual abuse